We are a community of healers
Welcome. At Ashtanga Yoga Vancouver we are grateful for the inspiration and timeless teachings of ashtanga yoga as it has been passed down.
Ashtanga yoga, when practiced regularly, inquisitively, and with devotion, is a powerful seed that can transform both our individual experiences and the lives of others. The practice of yoga teaches us to transcend patterns that no longer serve us so we can see ourselves as we are.
When we elevate ourselves, we can then elevate others.
Fiona Stang, Founder of AYV
Authorized Level II Ashtanga Teacher
Over 20 years ago, the seeds for Ashtanga Yoga Vancouver were planted.
In 2000, after another inspiring, life changing trip to Mysore, India and with the encouragement from senior teacher Hamish Hendry, I was determined to start a Mysore program in Vancouver, BC. I was focused and full of passion - I knew this was my path. Everyone, including my husband, thought I was crazy to attempt an early morning yoga program in rainy dark Vancouver, but I was determined and I persevered. This was the start of Ashtanga Yoga Vancouver and this energy continues to this day.
The past twenty plus years have been years of sharing knowledge and healing, journeying to the source of Ashtanga Yoga, delving into a sustainable dedicated daily practice, and building an amazing community of students and teachers seeking inspiration to better themselves and to better the world.

AYV Core Values
At Ashtanga Yoga Vancouver, we honour all teachers on the path of yoga and respect the passing on of knowledge from teacher to student.
Growing Ashtanga Yoga Vancouver into a thriving community of people who are planting seeds for their own personal transformation and healing. This transformation can then inspire and increase the understanding of yoga in the world. We wish to plant seeds of yoga and healing for at least 108,000 people.
Our teachers seek to “meet” each student as an individual and embark on a journey with them deeper into the practitioner’s self and personal needs.
We are constantly sharing knowledge together so we are inspired and able to pass this insight on to others and plant seeds for transformation.
Ashtanga Yoga Vancouver welcomes you to be a part of our community of sharing knowledge and inspiration.

Student Testimonials